Tuesday 19 May 2015


 A young man wanted to get rid of his nagging and over demanding girlfriend. He tried every possible attempt which did not work. One day, an idea came into his head. As he searched a website called myspace.com, and browsed into people's profiles and succeeded in downloading four enchanting and beautiful girl’s photos.  He printed them out and wrote R.I.P (Rest In Peace) with a red ink on each of the pictures. He hid them in a magazine and left it on the table. One morning, as his girlfriend was cleaning the house, she saw the photos in the magazine, and walked up to him asking:


YOUNG MAN: Sweetie, what is it?

GIRLFRIEND: I saw these female pictures in a magazine on the table, who are these girls?

YOUNG MAN: Oh! Sweetie! Please forget about them, it's not as important like our future together

GIRLFRIEND: It's important to me, I need to know please…if you don’t tell me, it means you don’t love me.

YOUNG MAN: OK, this one is Sarah; I met her at a friend's wedding. We dated and wanted to get married but just 2 months before our wedding celebration, she got involved in a car accident and died of a broken skull and a broken neck. This one is Natash, we met at Mac-Donald’s in PJ, we dated for a while. One day as she was driving to Pahang, her car was carelessly by a Tractor, immediately her car caught fire and she was burnt beyond recognition.

GIRLFRIEND: ( Sweating) Hmmmmmm! Unbelievable…OK continue…What about these ones?

YOUNG MAN: This one is  Janei, she was my neighbor's daughter who came back from Amsterdam, to spend 2weeks holiday with her parents. We met and spent a night together. Two days later, I was told she was among the dead in the ghastly Indonesian plane crash.. In fact,the worst problem was that her corpse was never found.
       This one,......... Oh Nina my love. ,..Her name was Nina; I almost killed myself when I lost this particular girl …..We went to visit my friend, on our way back, a truck ran over our small mini car, she died instantly, the truck driver and I, alone survived the accident.. It was after her death that I met you.

GIRLFRIEND: Meet who? Me?! You are crazy; You must be out of your mind! I am no longer interested in this relationship, Why have you kept these all secret from me ever-since....bye-bye and Good luck. I can’t be part of your ill-cursed life and accidental life.

(She instantly picked up her handbag and took to her heels).

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