Monday 13 July 2015


As we continue to pray for the peace and Unity of Malaysia, we should not allow those who will ruin our Holiness,spirituality and strength in This fasting month, we are almost there, don't Listen to rumour mongers Malaysia is our home and let's build it together. So with this, I have decided to bring some laughters into our hearts.

  In a philosophy class, a professor was telling his student about metaphysics which follows below

PROFESSOR: Look around everybody!

STUDENTS:(They all turned and looked around in Amazement)

PROFESSOR: Can you see God?


PROFESSOR: It means there is no God!
(Meanwhile there was this Class Rep. who could not agree with his statement shouted)

CLASS Rep: My fellow students, please look at our professor's head, can you see his Brain?

STUDENTS:(Replied) Nooooooooooooooooooo

CLASS REP:This simply means, our professor does not have any brain...Does he?

 One day, a mother called her 8 years old son and asked him 4x4=? The boy said twelve(12)
his mother was angry for getting it wrong and she brought out Rotan(cane)
and started beating him.The heard the noise and asked his wife:

FATHER: What is the problem?

MOTHER: I asked him a simple 4x4=, and this dull head of a son does not know it

FATHER: Is that why you were beating him, do you want to kill him?

MOTHER: This is your fault, this boy took after your brain, in my family we are all brilliant and intelligent.

FATHER: OK..OK..what is 4x4? tell him since he doesn't know it...4x4 is what?

MOTHER: 4x4 is 14

FATHER: Wow! Nasib Baik! God has saved you, I thought you don't know it.

  One day a very fat lady came out of a gym and she was angry, so one lady went to meet her and asked what was the matter

LADY: Why are you angry? Is anything the matter?

FAT WOMAN: I am not going back to this gym again, I was always embarrassed by the scale...I hate it!

LADY: Why?

FAT WOMAN: Anytime I stepped on it, it says...."ONE AT A TIME..ONE AT A TIME..ONE AT A TIME....


There was an old man who was on a Rapid bus(inter-city transport system)He entered the Rapid Bus from Titi-wangsa to KL. On that day, the bus was so full of passengers, everyone was struggling for space inside the Bus.
So his wallet fell down from his back pocket unknowingly and somebody picked it up secretly without giving it back to him. So when it was time for him to pay the bus driver, he touched his back pocket , there was no wallet,
he felt it again with his hand but nothing, then he shouted aloud:

OLD MAN: Who took my wallet, who snatched my wallet, if nobody tells me, what happened in 1974 will repeat here today

OLD MAN:(SHOUTED MORE LOUDER) I said who took my wallet or what happened in 1974 will occur here today, what happened in 1974 will start here today
(There were some women in the bus who started to be afraid, because they never knew what had happened in 1974, So they said:

 WOMEN: Please whoever stole this man's wallet should bring it out, please we are begging you, try and bring out his wallet, we don't want any problem.

So as the women were still pleading, someone in the bus dropped the wallet and everybody were happy the wallet was found

OLD MAN: Thank you all for giving back my wallet to me, or else what happened in 1974 would have struck here today,(so he took his wallet and paid for his bus fare then sat down.
After a while there was another curious man in the bus, he asked sir, please can you tell us what actually happened in 1974 we are curious and we would like to know because of History.

OLD MAN:(REPLIED) HMMMM! In 1974, this type of thing happened where I lost my wallet...
passengers; And then what happened

OLD MAN: I used leg to go home....That's what happened, I walked with my legs to my home.

in fact everybody in the Bus where all murmuring
The boy who stole the wallet just Hissed and fainted, he thought it was a big issue.



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