Thursday 23 July 2015


There is no time to waste and beat around the bush, it's better to hit the nail at the head, for Time wait for no one and to successfully market your business to your audience or would be Customers, you must follow the steps described below.

1. DO NOT PANIC: I started with this word because fear is an emotional response induced by a perceived threat, which causes a change in brain and organ function, as well as in behavior. Fear can lead us to hide, to run away, keep us away from our life's purpose. As the saying goes..Venturing is the mother of invention. Online marketing can seem scary, boring, unfamiliar, tedious, stressful at first. Relax your mind, look for your personal keyword, what are the driving force, what is your reason to become an entrepreneur, do you think you are mentally and psychologically matured enough to handle a business of your own at your age? Answer the questions and you will see you are ready to go.

2.PLANNING: Your business plan should be your unshakeable foundation: planning are the general building blocks of your business, your plan should be the one that satisfies the journey of  "BY" not "AT"(...I will explain these terms in my next article). Get yourself organized, analyze your would be competitor, prepare to make sacrifices, be creative and make sure you understand the risks and rewards. Your planning should have a keyword.For example, who are your customers? would it benefit women, children,men, animals etc. What are the long term benefits to your own society, how important is your products and services to the world. Where is the situation and location, your capital or how would you fund it. These should be what your plans would look like and you can add more to them.

3. CREATE YOUR BUSINESS ONLINE: Once your business is set up, you should also take the time to create it online as well in order to reach a wider customers, make a larger profitable impacts and expand your market or brands afar for recognition. No matter what your business is like, make sure you create a brand name or special logo for your business. From the day one start building your email lists, this is a kind of leverages to your site, one single email list can turn your business around, give incentives,make a product promotions, give them a reason to sign up to your site because they will be reading your articles daily or weekly.

4.WATCH AND LEARN FROM OTHER BUSINESSES: You can't stand alone, it's the same way as you can't comfortably drive a car without a side or rear mirrors, search online or go out to business (Industrial)areas and search for businesses similar to what you do, from there you might be able to see what you do wrong or right. Ask questions in the online forums in fact you can learn a lot from them. Make research on your competitors to get inspirations and learn new ways to sell your business. When it's a season time and they are giving out discounts, make sure you are not left out, do the same. Running a competition is another very effective way to market your business. Use a good prize or reward to entice customers. It also gets people talking about your brand. Social media sites like Facebook can be great for promoting your competitions and can also attract new followers for your business.

5. MAKE SURE YOUR BUSINESS/WEBSITE CAN DELIVER RESULTS:  This is where the Term relationship and behavioural economics comes into play.  The answer to unlocking the potentials of business connections has been right under our noses all along: authentically engage with customers, prospects, and audiences on social media. Using the power of a genuine communication skills to a cultivate long-lasting relationships with your customers and online audiences that will result in true business ROI. While behavioural aspect, is how our market decisions are made and the mechanisms we established that positively move on the public choice,  it explores why people sometimes make irrational decisions, and how their behaviours does not follow the predictions of business models. How does your behaviour profitably affect your business, do you think you are over reacting towards satisfying your customers and online audiences, what are your feedbacks, how do you handle customer's satisfactions and complaints. In addition, attractive website can make your business look professionally salivating. But the real benefits will depend on functionality and ability to acquire customers for your business. If your website is outdated, consider a redesign.

6. USE VIDEOS TO MARKET YOUR PRODUCTS: Videos are very popular with consumers today and offer an excellent way to market your business. There are many ways a small business can use videos as part of their marketing strategy. Displaying product videos on website is a very effective way to increase sales. Studies show that  customers are much more likely to buy if they see a video on your product or service landing pages. You can also start your own YouTube channel to post your videos as well as share videos of other users that are relevant to your target market.  Commenting on videos relevant to your niche is another way to engage with users and increase your brand visibility.

If you are creating your own videos, don't limit yourself to promotional videos about your products or services only. Creating instructional videos that can help your targeted audience to solve common problems will get far more coverage than promotional videos.

7. OPTIMIZATION OF BUSINESS STRATEGY,(The use of 5W1H): Why you are doing, what you are doing? You must have clear objective of doing something especially on a commercial level like creating a marketing strategy. Without well-defined objective(s), creating and implementing any strategy could result in waste of both time and resources.   What:Creating and implementing any strategy requires time, cost, subject matter expertise and other resources. So you need to determine exactly what is involved in creating and implementing your strategy. Who: These people can be you, your colleagues, boss, stakeholders, employees, clients or other target audience. Every strategy requires the input of one or more people or is directed towards one or more people. So you need to know exactly who is involved in the creation and implementation of your strategy and who will benefit from it (your company, clients etc). Where; This is the direction in which your strategy should move so that you can get highest possible return on your investment. The ability to move in the right direction and at the right time is what separates a good strategy from a bad strategy.When; A strategy needs to be time bound in order to be cost effective. Without deadlines there is no urgency. You can create your strategy next week or after 2 months. Without deadlines every goal is achievable. That is why it is imperative that every goal and strategy must be time bound. How; exactly how you will create your strategy or how you will implement it. How successful will you be, how much efforts have you invested in your business, how cost effective are you.

With all these facts I hope you will benefit a lot in your businesses..Keep in mind.."NEVER LOSE FOCUS".

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