Wednesday 10 June 2015


So why do some women cheat in a relationship? Are women easy to trick or are they just confused? Find out here with Miranet blog's 25 truthful reasons no one ever told you about! Ever wondered why women cheat so easily? For as long as we could remember, we've always thought that men were the bigger cheaters.
But now we know that it’s just a lie.
Ever had your heart ripped apart by a woman who decided that it was quitting time and bulldozed her way out of your life?
Fret not, you’re not alone.
In reality, women cheat quite often. And we’re not even talking about those secret kisses and gropes.
You may know a few reasons behind why women cheat.
Some women cheat to fill the emotional void that’s empty after a man neglects her, or perhaps the sexual preferences in the marriage are just too different.
But through my little knowledge and came from a broken home, though it was my father who cheated by secretly marrying a third wife, when my mother discovered this , she filled for divorce with Sharia court, since then I have been wondering if cheating in a relationship comes in both ways. I’ve seen that women cheat for completely different reasons.
And the biggest reason why women cheat?
Well, that’s because they CAN!
So why do women cheat like there’s no tomorrow?
Well, I have revealed the truths down below!
1. Women get too close to others, too fast. Women build strong emotional connections really fast. It’s easy for them to get close to a guy and confuse the bond with love.Actually women are made to be broken, when a man can hit her wall of defence or weak spot in her, then you will see calling you the commandeer of her heart.
2. They love any man who can give them emotional support. It’s true. Want to steal a girlfriend, just give her a shoulder to lean on. She'll give you her bed to sleep on.
3. A Woman will cheat if she really needed Assistance. You see, a woman is a loving and caring being, a woman will do anything to save her child's life. A woman will cheat if she really needed a job badly, a woman will cheat if she really needed to pay her husband's hospital bills or debts. No hatred can ever coincides with a tender loving care of a woman, we are just praying that such a situation will not come to us. But for my writing sake, a woman will do more than cheating to keep the life of her only child.
4. Women fall in love fast. They fall in love too fast with just about anyone who shows affection. They try playing hard to get, but almost always end up becoming really easy to get for potential girlfriend stealers.
5. Women are progressive. They like sprucing men up and working on little man projects now and then. And just when you think you've been perfected by your girlfriend, she’ll find another man to perfect.
6. Women love drama and gossip in their lives. It’s the truth. Women get bored extremely easily and need constant attention and drama in their lives. Once the man settles down in love, the woman starts unsettling.
7. They're confused about their feelings almost all the time. A girl may love her man generally, but her mood swings ebb and flow like the tides of the sea. She likes her man sometimes, and she hates somethings about him at other times. Add another man into the equation and you will her becoming a double standard.
8. Women are suckers for affection and compliments. Women fall for compliments and flirty touches really easily. When another guy flirts with your girl, she may think she’s just having fun. But in reality, she’d be falling for him even if he’s just having fun.
9. It’s ridiculously easy to make a girl doubt her own boyfriend. All another guy has to do is point a few flaws,few mistakes, her weaknesses, talk sweet, touch her in a few places, and she'll start to think her boyfriend (husband) is a loser and the new guy is a sex idol who’s in love with her.
10. Women say they don't want to stray. But yet all they think about is straying. Every time a guy flirts with a girl, she temporarily forgets she has a boyfriend already! 
11. Women close their eyes while kissing another guy. Yeah, just shut your damn eyes and say it all happened so fast! Women get physical and then say it was a mistake. Men, on the other hand try covering it up by saying it didn’t happen. Women want pity, men forgive them. Men get caught, become a punching bag.
12. Women always think they're in a relationship crisis. When a woman’s life’s not crackling with romantic and sexual electricity, they always think their relationship is doomed. Women say they don't like entertaining sex toys but yet they want men to behave like one.
13. Women think they're too good. Almost all women think they're too good for their boyfriend. With that kind of logic, it’s easy to stray when a “better guy” comes along to play.
14. Women cheat for the dumbest reasons. Men cheat because they find someone sexy. Women cheat for the dumbest of reasons, to prove a point, to revenge at her man, to let him know she’s not getting enough attention, to get something they really want and more dumb reasons.
15. Women have cravings. That is, chocolates and unavailable traits in men. If her man’s not very clean and tidy, and she meets a coworker who’s a perfectionist when it comes to being clean and tidy, she’ll involuntarily be drawn to that trait. So if a man wants to lay a girl, all he has to do is show off a trait her boyfriend doesn’t have and she'll diveboard into his arms.
16. Women get attracted to any man who makes her feel good. Men usually have affairs only with women who are sexually attractive. So unless the guy is rich or super charming, his odds are slim to have an affair with the girl of his dreams. But women cheat with any loser who knows how to treat her better than her boyfriend (husband).
17. She’s a gold digger.  If you're dating a woman who’s more interested in your money and the fun times you give her than she is in you, you can’t hold on to her unless you strike oil.(what it is to strike oil?). Sometimes Money is regarded as the biggest strongest factor of a woman to cheat in a relationship. A woman does not like been poor. Most especially when she has tasted a luxurious life.
18. Women cheat when they’re emotionally vulnerable. Men need relaxation and a sexy girl to cheat. Women just need to feel vulnerable. They’d feel vulnerable for the smallest of reasons and circumstances. And if another guy makes a move at the right time, he'll be able to sleep with her that very night.
19. Committed women love getting the attention of other men. And when they don’t get the attention from a guy they like, they try harder to get a second glance. Why do you think girls go weak for bad boys who treat them like trash?
20. Women don’t learn from their mistakes. Some women make moves and mistakes, and they regret it. But they don’t learn. They know when they’re crossing the thin red line with another guy, but they just don't try to put a stop to the guy because “they like the attention”.
21. Women cheat when they're unhappy in bed. You should know what I want to say here, I guess I am too small to mention that. A man must be a man! Show your supremacy on the bed. Show your animalistic abilities and gentle comfortability for your woman. A woman does not cherish a weak man when it comes to the bed arena.
22. Her man’s charm is wearing off. If a woman isn’t sexually attracted to her man anymore, she'll definitely dive head first into any other sexually attractive man. A man should be creative, make a positive change to your appearances. A man should always try to out smart his woman, always be ahead of her in reasonings.
23. Women are stereotyped. Most men look at women as cute. Hey, women can only resist temptation so much. If a woman’s constantly being hit on by a million guys everywhere she goes, it’s only a matter of time before she succumbs to temptation, Do you agree with me? A woman cannot not resist being tempted for long, she will be broken.
24. Once bitten, never shy. A woman may cheat and get over it after a heartbreaking while. But a few months later, the drama starts all over again. Women just like the constant rush of falling in and out of love all the time.
25. Satisfaction: Really, a woman could be in a perfect long term relationship with a perfect guy. But she wanted to try something new, something else, something fresh, something big, something puffy, something wide.

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