15. You Always Pay
If he forgets his wallet every once in a while, no big deal. If he seems to ALWAYS forget his wallet, it’s not a coincidence. He’s using you for money. You also should try to forget your wallet once in a while and see what happens. If he gets angry, he is not only a hypocrite but he’s practically shouting that he’s into you for something besides your wonderful self.
14. You Never Go On Dates
He claims to just want to stay in, but all that translates to is bedmatics. Staying in from time to time is fine, but when it’s every single night and all you do is having fun on the bed, he’s using you for just that. Don’t fall for the lack of money excuse. There are lots of free date ideas. He should want to do more with you if he likes you for you.
13. He’s VERY Interested in Who You Know
If he spends a lot of time hinting that your dad should get him a job, your sister should introduce him to her celebrity friend, or that your boss should see his works, etc., he might be using you for your connections. Sure, it’s great when one’s significant other knows the right people, but if he won’t stop pushing you for your connections, he is probably interested in who you know more than whom you are.
12. What’s His is His and What’s Yours is His
After things gets serious in a normal relationship, what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine. If in your relationship, you aren’t free to use his things but he uses yours freely, he is probably using you for your things. He should be willing to share if he’s willing to use your things. If not, he’s not into you for you.
11. You’ve Never Met Anyone
If you have been together for months and haven’t even been introduced to as much as his brother as “my girlfriend”, he is using you. Maybe he’s using you for money or bedmatics or whatever, but he is definitely with you for the wrong reasons. Anytime a certain amount of time has gone by without any introductions at all, there is always something wrong. He isn’t with you for you.
10. The possessive and protective husband
The man that loves to control you or likes to know where you are without giving out his own info is most likely hiding something from you. This type of man is just trying to make sure where you are so you don’t bump into him with someone else. But he is never going to tell you where he is.
9. The husband who has friends that cheats on their wives like they say birds of the same feathers flock together. If your husband’s friends are fond of carrying girlfriends and sleeping with women who are not their wives, it won’t be long for your own hubby to be indoctrinated. That is if he is not already like them.
8. The one with the young friends
A significant number of affairs begin as close friendships with members of the opposite sex. The relationship may be platonic at the beginning, but chances are, it won’t stay that way. Also multiple researches state that married men often cheat with women who are younger than their wives. So if your husband’s friend list has a whole bunch of young and fun girls be wary.
7. The man who keeps you a secret
Any married man who hides that he is married, may be playing away. His Facebook status is single and if a girl flirts with him, she is doing so because she isn’t aware he is married.
6. The man who is active on certain social media networks
Social media can definitely wreak havoc on your relationship and nowadays with so much free sex around, married men meet willing women on social networks like Facebook, Whatsapp, Badoo, Tumblr etc.
5. The man who is easily bored
A man who is easily bored, or who leads a dull, routine life may cheat on his spouse just to alleviate his boredom or add some excitement to his life.
4. He’s addicted to alcohol or drugs
Men who are substance abusers are much more likely to end up cheating on their mates. Alcoholics are susceptible to infidelity because their inhibitions will be lowered and their judgment impaired. Either type of man is likely to cheat without realizing what he’s doing.
3. He’s a s3x addict/Maniac
Some men are se x addicts. This is a medical condition that requires professional medical help. If man has a s3x drive greater than his wife or if Madame is lacking in bedroom skills, he’s much more likely to cheat on her. He’ll find another woman to make up for his wife’s deficiency.
2. He cheated before and got away with it
That old saying once a cheater, always a cheater will apply if your man has cheated in the past and didn’t suffer any negative consequences as a result of his infidelity. If he cheated before and didn’t get caught, he’s more likely to cheat again. The same applies if he cheated and Madame readily forgave him without holding him accountable for his infidelity
1. A man who criticize your cooking and complains you don't satisfy him enough:
He is using you for your body or money, here are the top clues that he might not be into you for just you;


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